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INSTANT PROTECTION from ACCIDENTS - This cover meets your needs if you are looking for an insurance that will protect your product against accident damage from purchase for 4 years and also cover all other mechanical and electrical failures within This period not covered by the manufacturer warranty, with up to three repairs in any consecutive period of 12 months. no extra costs - you will not pay extra excess, parts and labor costs or call fees for your claim claim. Easy application procedure: submit an application by email or phone. if your product cannot be repaired, it will either be replaced or an Amazon gift voucher will be issued at the value of a spare device. you can cancel at any time: Full refund within 45 days if no claim has been applied, then a proportional refund minus the cost of the claim. the insurance cover is valid for people with residence in Germany and Austria, who are over 18 years. for a Full product description, please read the insurance product information document and insurance conditions by following the link(s). Finally, please note that another insurance product may be available on our website if you access it with a laptop or desktop PC. Produktbeschreibung Lust auf einen leckeren Snack zwischendurch Die hAppchen-Set Mini-Edelstahlpfanne ist besonders geeignet fAr kleine Portionen, zum AufwArmen von Speisen oder um Fett auszulassen. in puristischem Design, auAen glAnzend, innen matt poliert. Durch den abgerundeten Abergang zwischen Boden und Topfwand setzt sich in den Ecken nichts an. So lAsst es sich bequem umrAhren und leicht reinigen. Der gut leitende superthermicboden speichert Die Hitze optimal und sorgt fAr gleichmAAige WArmeverteilung. , Superthermic-Boden , Praktischer SchAttrand , fAr alle Herdarten inkl. Induktion , Ofenfest , Pflegeleicht HAhe: 17 cm Breite: 17 cm LAnge: 33 cm Durchmesser A: 16 cm Farbe: Silber Material: Edelstahl Hersteller-Artikelnummer: 8316161000 , Lieferumfang:1 Fissler hAppchen-Set Pfanne, Bratpfanne, Edelstahlpfanne, Edelstahl, Silber, A 16 cm, 8316161000Produktbeschreibung des Herstellers fuer den kleineren Haushalt oder zwischendurch bestens geeignet ASIN : B0002TSEG6 PROD번호: 5920002056 정보업데이트 : CV.47597 : 2022-02-18 오후 1:58:38 |
One Color |
필독 주의 사항 |
배송 과정 안내 |
완벽한 포장과 배송 |
A/S 대행 서비스 |
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통관/관,부가세 안내 |
배송비 및 수수료 안내 |
고객센터 |
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